Thanks, John.
I ended up not purchasing it.
I'm also no longer carrying balloons after my current supply is exhausted.
The wholesaler I use moved. They used to be on my way home.
Now they are 45 minutes away and close to nowhere.
They have also instituted a strict minimum purchase amount necessitating an outlay that I cannot justify on items that may degrade before sale.
Party City used to carry 36" balloons, but no longer does.
Amazon carries them, but you must be careful as there are many suppliers who advertise Qualatex but supply other brands. Buyer beware. If it isn't (orb) round when you get it, if it looks like a regular balloon and seems on the thin side, it isn't Qualatex.
Mike Kirda
Received on Mon Feb 22 2016 - 07:02:02 CET
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