Re: Speaking of ambiguous AMA rules

From: <>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 19:09:37 -0400 (EDT)

To all,
This A6 discussion is both enlightening and challenging. given a set of
rules, what can we do to push the limits and be within the rules?
Just an outside pragmatic opinion...I like indoor, but there is a problem
with killing the goose that lays the golden egg. Indoor flyers are to be
admired. My recent acquaintance with Kang Lee, who has jumped into indoor
with both feet, I am in awe of. He has the magic decoder solution and skill
to be a force in indoor, but conversations of rules always bug me. If you
count belly buttons of who are the guys who "fly indoor" competitively and
then those who say we need entry level events, and then say "competition is
 the name of the game"
This is a hard thing to reconcile. At the top, there are a few who are
competing against each other and frequent this board. On the other hand..if
they are happy with competing amongst themselves, so be it. We admire the
accomplishments of the Stan Buddenbohms and John Kagans, but is there
desire to win over others or find some other folks that could be a challenge too?
"IF" the effort of the mainstream indoor flyers is to maintain the status
quo and challenge each other until they die out, then forget about anyone
else who could get inspired by flying indoor. There is a fine line in this.
 Do the current "guns" of indoor want to promote the sport or do they want
only to promote their own competitive interest? Where do their intentions
I agree when I see the AMA A6 rules set that opens the door to really
pushing the envelope, but back up a few feet and see how it benefits the
activity. Is it meant to get more involvement or to challenge the existing
indoor flyers to outpace each other? My personal thought was it was intended to
put forth a simple indoor event, but it seems to be growing to
Here's what I have gleaned from the AMA rules book....
Indoor Events…Evolution….
First there was:
AMA Intermediate Stick…100in-2…called paper stick
AMA HL Stick…microfilm and all that…go for it
Cabin…just for a change of pace
ROG’s…same thing… just for a change of pace
Ornithopter, helocopter, autogyro…more changes of pace
Interest waned…let’s think of an “entry level” event to generate interest
EZB…what a good idea!
EZB…crap…it went the way of the “pro’s” Why wasn’t it “EZB” and then “
F1L…FAI solution to EZB…weight limits
Pennyplane…What a great idea!…oops…rules went the way of the pro’s
Limited Penny…to throttle the outcome of Penny
Bostonian…fun event to counter cabin
Intent of Rule. This is an event to promote indoor flying of realistic
propeller-driven, rubber-powered models of a size and complexity which are
suitable for small buildings and limited skills. It also allows fanciful
designs, for which no full-size counterpart exists, to be flown.
Power/P-nut/NoCal/P-24, etc gives us something else to fly indoors
Scale Models:
23. Kit/Plan Scale.
The intent of this event is to foster flying of Free Flight Scale
rubber-powered Indoor models by providing an event which requires a minimum of
research, documentation and design and offers a maximum of flying. A secondary
objective is the encouragement of kitting and publication of good designs
by requiring that the models flown are built up and finished according to
the designs used, so that the better designs will be recognized by their
success in contests.
24. Mini-Stick.
24.1. The intent of this proposal is to make Mini-Stick an official event
to allow including the event in AMA contests, to increase participation,
and to allow records to be more easily kept.
26. A-6. For event (222 )
26.1. General. Except for the specific rules which apply directly to A-6,
the rules for Free Flight Indoor Rubber, Hand Launched Stick model shall
Maybe the approach is bass ackwards….an entry level event and THEN the
challenge event as the outcome of the entry level. A-6 and "THEN A-6
Well guys, where do you want the hammer to fall? A rules change isn't
that hard to come by.
Rick Pangell
Editor of "The Max-Out" Newsletter of
The Magnificent Mountain Men FF Club of Colorado

In a message dated 5/18/2011 4:43:28 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

Usually I understand the intention of a rule, but am willing to reject the
intention if the *wording* indicates something else. However, I have no
idea what dear AMA is trying to say or mean here. Anyone?

Free Flight Indoor Rubber
2. General
"A powered model of the indoor type shall be so designed that it can only
be properly flown indoors."

I once flew a Manhattan Cabin outdoors in nice evening air, without
damage, and concluded that at least LPP, Bostonian, scale, etc. could also be
flown outdoors. So what do they mean by "can only be properly" ?


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