Re: The demise of Indoor FF

From: Lotus 14 <>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 18:31:59 -0000

I think it depends entirely on the era, and how well accepted the hobby is at the moment.
When I was a kid, everyone with a few exceptions, flew model airplanes.
The models of choice were control-line, but all sorts of other model building was popular; as an example there was a phase in grammar school where everyone was building CO2 powered model cars.
But as far as flying models, we had everyone from the leather jacketed hot rodders (Who you could not with any stretch of the imagination be considered to be introverted.) to the school "brains" flying models. The different was only the type of flying; the hot rodders generally went in for speed the "brains" went in for stunt or scale, but there were still lots of crossover. If you couldn't afford model engines, you flew rubber, usually Comet models.
Now it's a different era, and kids are into different things. My nephew is sort of a middle of the road kid, not too outgoing but not too introverted either, and he and all his friends are almost exclusively into computer games (and baseball).

"jabiruchick" wrote:
> Nick, you are so right when you said it's the awkward, shy, introverted kids who usually get involved. Kids who can't or don't want to do sports, who are fairly smart but not social.
Received on Mon Oct 18 2010 - 11:32:05 CEST

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