Exactly. They're made entirely of glass and stainless steel, so you can
put any piece of the syringe in acetone for cleaning. I personally still
use an old McCormick's food coloring glue bottle, but I've experimented
with the glass syringes and they seem like they would work well.
On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 2:16 PM, mkirda_at_sbcglobal.net [Indoor_Construction]
<Indoor_Construction_at_yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Thanks Tom.
> While not what I wanted to hear, this information is very useful.
> And thanks, Jake too. Might be worth looking into as well. With glass, I
> can always drop one of these into a jar of acetone.
> Regards.
> Mike Kirda
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Received on Mon May 22 2017 - 21:29:42 CEST