AMA Rulebook

From: <>
Date: 08 Jun 2016 06:09:43 -0700

The recent threads on this list indicate to me that we have a large population who have forgotten the purpose of the AMA competition rulebook. It is indeed there for competitive events. If you want a participation event, by all means sponsor it and work to drum up participation, but it has absolutely no place in the AMA rulebook. The R/C sections of that document have several such events, yet they still include rules which ensure that a winner emerges in the competition. None of those events actually get flown anymore. They were pushed through with great enthusiasm just like P-18 and then died shortly after being ratified. Many R/C clubs have monthly contests, and the solution to "leveling" the field is to make up rules on the spot or the night before for whatever the contest goal is. The events are designed such that the majority of the models present are eligible. You'll not find a single one of those events in a rulebook anywhere, nor should you.
Received on Wed Jun 08 2016 - 06:09:44 CEST

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