Personally I have not seen any PROOF that any propeller works better with washout and I have studied any information on propeller design that came my way for as long as I can remember. Of course, since about the middle of last century, quite a few rubber duration flyers had the idea that if the tips were washed out and the model nosed up too steeply towards a stall then the tips would continue to give some thrust and lessen the severity of the stall. I think eventually that most flyers realised that careful trimming was a better solution.
John Barker - England
From: Indoor_Construction_at_yahoogroups.com [mailto:Indoor_Construction_at_yahoogroups.com]
Sent: 16 March 2016 22:10
To: Indoor_Construction_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Indoor_Construction] Ama clases props
Dear all,
It has proven that in F1D props with washout eg dumping pitch in the last 30-40 percent of the prop does give a definite advantage. Has anyone experimented applying this to AMA clases like EZB, open and ltd pennyplane, manhattan, etc. any comparative data and flight/performance thoughts are well appreciated
Vladimir Linardic
Received on Wed Mar 16 2016 - 16:15:32 CET
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