I used a 0.0332 g/in motor for my final F1D flight at Kibbie this year. I used 0.0328 g/in motors for the other flights.
I don't agree at all. When I cut rubber I put a piece on a scale and figure out the density. Others would pick up a micrometer and measure the width. The only difference is that I get better information.
But whatever works for you is what you should do.
Hint: It is because Rubber strippers cut rubber to width instead of grams per inch.
I do understand what you are saying though. Width is only half the cross-section and we don't know the thickness for sure.
Mike Kirda
--- In Indoor_Construction@yahoogroups.com, William Gowen <wdgowen@...> wrote:
> It seems like everywhere I go to fly I get questions about rubber strip
> width.
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