I am confused about the junior participation in the trial and your number of 5. Are the points for the senior and junior teams separately calculated? If so, and the junior team has the maximum of 50 performance points, they need 25 participation points, or 9 participants.
With respect to senior participants at Kibbie, only 11 people have paid the US team fee as of 4/12/2013. Of these, only 9 have qualified. There are 6 more who have qualified but have not paid the fee but I expect 3 of these to come to Kibbie as they have paid the helium fee. One of the 9 qualifiers who has paid the fee has said they will not be at Kibbie. This leaves us with 11 firm senior participants as of 4/12/2013. There is one unpaid qualifier who has yet to decline participation at Kibbie. And, there is one person who has paid the helium fee but has not yet qualified or paid the fee. So, unless someone qualifies soon, we will not have 13 senior participants at Kibbie.
If these numbers are wrong, I apologize but this can get confusing.
--- In, "John Kagan" <john_kagan@...> wrote:
> --- In, Brett Sanborn <brett.d.sanborn@> wrote:
> >
> > So are they rolling the entry and hotel fees (previously paid for in full)
> > in with the airfare (used to be $400) and calling that the flat rate amount?
> >
> That's the way I read it.
> Plus, we are borderline on having enough Team Selection contest participants for full funding. We were 3 short in 2011. The Blue Book seems to be oriented around programs that just have one big finals contest instead of a qualification process. I'm trying to read the Blue Book language to include paid participants in the program, even if they don't fly in the Team Selection contest, but I'm not sure we can sell that.
Received on Mon Apr 29 2013 - 10:20:09 CEST
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