Hi John,
The NFFS Indoor FF Committee was just recently discussing the topic of the having an indoor contest along with some of the other Nats events.
A problem with combining them previously was that the Indoor sites generally were not great. The Johnson City venue is very good, and the Indoor Nats found a permanent home in the late 80's.
However, just because we want to keep the Indoor Nats in a world class venue, it doesn't mean we can't have an different indoor contest in conjunction with other Nats events.
The non-indoor Nats events are spread out over time, so we still can't match up with all of them, but Outdoor FF makes the most sense to target.
One goal is to try to attract some of the Outdoor fliers. I'm a little skeptical it will work in any significant way, but I'd love to be proven very wrong. Your message makes me realize that even if we don't get too many cross-overs, it would still be great exposure.
Work is in progress to find an Indoor site near Muncie and put together a new contest.
--- In Indoor_Construction_at_yahoogroups.com, <plachance@...> wrote:
> John,
> Thanks for the info. I used to love watching the indoor FF at the NATS. I thinbk it sucks that the NATS have become different contests for all the different aspects of model aviation. I fly RC precision aerobatics as well as fly FF for pleasure. I loved it back in the days when the NATS were like a big circus. Different times of the days and different sites allowed you to see all aspects of the hobby. I always loved watching the indoor FF and CL combat as well as flying in Pattern. It was a lot more of a family thing back then. I went to Westover AFB twice to watch the NATS with my dad even though I was not participating. We lived in VA Beach, VA then too and it was well worth the trip.
> Yes, I have just spoke to a member of the Brainbusters. Last I had heard they had no indoor sites and had lost their only contest and had very few outdoor sites. I guess they have an indoor site in Newport News again. I plan to take my 6 year old daughter to go watch this weekend.
Received on Tue Mar 20 2012 - 18:42:37 CET
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