Beginner Indoor Duration Events

From: Yuan Kang Lee <>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 21:12:13 -0000

When I meet folks who are interested in flying indoor models, I recommend these beginner events in this order:

1. Limited Penny Plane

2. F1L

3. Mini Stick (optional)

Once someone can build these models, they can move on to the more difficult events like F1D or EZB, depending on their interest.

I don't recommend A-6 for three reasons:

A. requires 4# wood for wing to meet weight
B. requires paper covering
C. flat prop paddles

A. Covering with paper requires good skills, and it is a skill that is not useful for the next level of indoor models. Why waste time on a skill that's not going to be used?

B. Forming prop blades with camber and twist is critical for high performance indoor models. Why not learn it as early as possible? Forming the prop blade on a can is only slightly more difficult than using flat paddles.

In My Humble Opinion,

Received on Wed May 18 2011 - 14:12:21 CEST

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