Tustin Indoor Results

From: Norm Furutani <tilka89_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 21:45:54 -0700 (PDT)

Tustin MCAS Blimp
Hangar Cat. IV Contest

April 8-11, 2010 Tustin, California

AMA Sanction Number 10-0710



Organizers – Ralph Ray and Stan Buddenbohm

Contest Director  -
Norm Furutani


Two extraordinary national glider records were set at this

Jim Buxton broke Stan B’s HLG record with a 1:45.9 and
1:43.5, totaling 3:29.4 min.

Ralph Ray, also breaking Stan’s record in Standard CLG, with
a 1:55.0 and 1:57.3, totaling 3:52.3


A special thanks to all who donated to the raffle. We had
products from Ray Harland, DuBro, the Tyson’s, Jim Buxton, and many goodies
from Tim Goldstein and A2Z, including one of 
the new CNC winders!


Is it going to happen again? I don’t know. It was a lot of
work, Ralph did a lot of talking  and
paper work to secure the building, Stan put up the money and it looks like the
operation went at a loss. A few complained about the cost, the inconvenience of
the gate etc. The majority had a great time!


Here’s the results.


- Norm Furutani, CD



1. Don DeLoach                      9:04

2. Andy McFarland                 5:30

3. Chris Borland                      4:34


Mini Stick

1. Larry Norvall                       8:50

2. Chris Borland                      5:39


Limited Pennyplane

1. Leo Pilachowski                14:46

2. Don DeLoach                    14:40

3. Chris Borland                    13:03

4. John Alling                         12:08

5. Jim Sonnenmeier                  6:02

6. Andy McFarland                DNF

7. Robert Loeffler                   DNF

8. Yuan Kang Lee                  DNF



Science Olympiad

1. Leo Pilachowski                  5:11

2. Chris Borland                      4:11

3. Yuan Kang Lee                   4:09


Unlimited Stick

1. Istvan Botos                      33:32

2. Aurel Popa                         DNF

3. Zoltan Sukoso                    DNF



1. Yuan Kang Lee                 19:44

2. Dave Saks                         18:16

3. Chris Borland                    11:54



1. Aurel Popa                        35:27

2. Zoltan Sukosd                   35:19

3. Bud Romak                       34:38

4. Istvan Botos                      34:04

5. Chris Borland                     DNF

6. Larry Norvall                      DNF

7. Steve Brown                      DNF

8. Brett Sanborn                     DNF


Unlimited CLG

1. Stan Buddenbohm            3:44.2

2. Kurt Krempetz                 3:25.7

3. Norm Furutani                  2:58.8

4. Ron Wittman                    2:26.6

5. Dick Peterson                   2:00.2

6. Ralph Ray                          DNF

7. Larry Norvall                      DNF


Standard CLG

1. Ralph Ray                         3:49.0

2. Stan Buddenbohm            3:30.6

3. Lee Hines                         3:16.4

4. Kurt Krempetz                 3:10.8

5. Ken Bauer                        3:04.7

6. Paul Love                         3:04.3

7. Norm Furutani                  3:03.7

8. Jim Buxton                        2:52.7

9. Jim Sonnenmeier               1:40.9

10. Gerald Keck                    DNF

11. Chris Borland                   DNF



1. Jim Buxton                        3:22.8

2. Stan Buddenbohm            3:18.2

3. Tim Batiuk                        2:50.9

4. Ken Bauer                        2:36.4

5. Lee Hines                         1:51.8

6. Phedon Tsiknopoulos         DNF

7. John Alling                          DNF

8. Kurt Krempetz                   DNF

9. Dick Peterson                     DNF








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