Re: Ambroid Glue Applicators - Peck Polymers (was: Pigtail bearings etc.

From: tony_hebb <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 11:21:43 -0000

Thanks Bruce,
I've ordered both types of top so will see which works best, got to be better than the tube! Made another pigtail bearing - for an EZB this time - so I think I can tick that box now. Funnily enough the first one I made was free running off the jig this one took a good deal more fiddling, almost threw it away and started again. Tony

--- In, "Bruce McCrory" <hbm55@...> wrote:
> Tony,
> For light EZB you might need the 25ga tip (black cap). I use the 20ga (red) tip for outdoor models as well.
> These applicators tend to plug easily. If you drill an undersized hole into the red cap end and insert stainless steel wire (.020" dia.), the applicator will always flow glue.
> I use an 008 or 009 wire for the 25ga size. I found that simply dribbling thinner into the black cap and plunging the tip into the cap several times will dissolve most dry glue plugs. I think the wire stopper eventually goars the tip walls, so for the rare occassion keep a guitar string on a handle to clear the smaller applicator.
> The containers will off-gas and over time the glue dries. Just dump thinner in when things get too thick. I have a bottle of JRG - "Jim's (Richmond) Recycled Glue" - for dried tubes of Ambroid, Duco, and experiments. Whatever mix I have now will remove body skin even a couple days after wiping excess glue.
> Good building and flying,
> Bruce
> --- In, "tony_hebb" <tony_hebb@> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for your help guys - I've now made my first respectable pigtail bearing. The wooden clamp jig and the tensioned wire were the secrets of success. I can reduce my wire consumption now.
> > I can now also thin Ambroid cement, any suggestions (I was tempted to say where to put it!) re applicator for it - I'd prefer to buy one!
> > My next challenge is to build an EZB under 0.75g, enjoying it - quite some contrast to 1/4 scale RC gliders.
> >
> > Rgds, Tony (UK)
> >
Received on Wed Mar 25 2009 - 04:21:51 CET

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