I checked out a fairly new county recreation center (built 2005) as a
possible indoor flying site. See
I was told by the person in charge that flying airplanes,
in this case just free flight, could possibly set off the sprinkler
system if a plane struck one of the mercury switches. I didn't press
the issue because of my ignorance of the subject and also it does pay
to be nice! (The individual was exceedingly quick with the reply!)
Can anyone provide information on the sensitivity of these
mercury switches to impact by a rubber power airplane.?
This site is located in the low population density center of the
county, but to the north there is a large population of retirees and
to the south Pocomoke City which is not too far from the NASA facility
at Wallops Island.
Bill Logue
AMA 523248
Received on Sun Apr 27 2008 - 04:37:26 CEST