Motor stick length

From: calgoddard <>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 15:46:52 -0000

Assuming you can build under the minimum weight and still have good
strength in the important parts of the plane, is is better to have a
shorter motor stick or a longer motor stick?

Which one is better at resisting the effects of motor stick twist at
high iinitial torque that adversely takes out stab tilt?

Does it make a difference if the motor stick is solid or rolled, in
terms of making it shorter or longer?

I understand that the length of the rubber should not exceed 2 1/2
times the length of the motor stick so you first determine the optimum
rubber length range, and work back from there to make sure your motor
stick is not too long or too short.

Given the same prop and the same motor size, winds and torque, would a
solid motor stick that is X + 2 inches long resist twising more than a
solid motor stick that is X inches long?

Given the same prop and the same rubber motor size, winds and torque,
would a rolled motor stick that is X + 2 inches long resist twisting
more than a rolled motor stick that is X inches long?

Thanks in advance everyone for your input.
Received on Tue Oct 16 2007 - 08:46:54 CEST

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