Repairing Tube Motorsticks.
Have you ever crushed, bent, cracked a hollow tube motorstick and
wondered how you could repair it?
Here's a tip I picked up from R/C glider flying.
Using a wet paper towel and Iron (I used a trim/covering iron) set at
highest temperature you can steam out most of the dented and crushed
balsa. This works very well on the foam core wings in the outdoor
gliders that I fly..
The important thing is to keep the paper towel moist so there is steam
produced and you don't burn the wood.
This method has it's limits of coarse but works very well on small dents.
Try it out, and don't be scared to apply a hot iron to an F1D motorstick.
Received on Sat May 26 2007 - 21:30:08 CEST
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