Re: LPP Postal Challenge

From: Mark <>
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 02:10:54 -0000

--- In, dgbj@... wrote:
> I accept your challenge.

Have you finished building a Limited Pennyplane yet, (with
innovations) Gary Hinze?
I finished one last week, and got to fly today at club meet. 27 ft
ceiling, had about 5 flights over 8 minutes, best was 8:26. Times
nothing to brag about, but since you have an answer for virtually any
free flight question asked by anyone, I'm sure you will have an
answer that will result in you beating my time very easily.
Actually, with the Jeff Hood's Postal fudge factor formula, your time
can be a little less, and still get a better score due to your 23 ft
ceiling, if that's correct.
Nothing too special about my model, prop, or rubber (Tan II, *not*
5/99 batch.) Couldn't get the kind of flare I was looking for, and I
won't have much time (maybe one more chance) to mess with LPP before
June 30 contest closing. (moving to CA, and Team Finals
approaching.) Not making excuses--please beat my time, hopefully
using your teaching below.
Mark F1diddler
Oh, my flights were timed by Tem Johnson, AMA #16707

Hinze wrote,
<<The important question for prop design is not about using it to
control RPM but using it to convert torque energy into altitude
energy with the greatest efficiency.....If the plane climbs too fast
with an efficient prop, a thinner motor producing less torque is
indicated. If the plane is capable of hitting the ceiling, a motor of
lower weight is indicated.>>
Received on Sat Apr 28 2007 - 19:12:32 CEST

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