RE: Making motors to weight...
With F1D you are limited to 0.6 grams of rubber and there is the
desire to get as close to 0.6 grams without going over. It probably
doesn't make that much of a difference, but you might as well have
every advantage that you can get.
For me the double overhand knot has worked fine for motors up to
PennyPlane/F1M. I've had this knot slip under some circumstances with
knots in 0.1 inch wide Tan II. I use a modified drop-loop/blood knot
for the larger rubber if it the double overhand knot isn't holding.
I've never had much luck with thread knots, but I have never tried
djbj's knot. The knots that I use hold well enough and are relatively
small and and easy to tie. I probably shouldn't but I can quickly make
up loops on site and immediately begin flying with them.
Marty Sasaki
Received on Fri Apr 27 2007 - 22:21:04 CEST
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