USIC 2006 in the books...
I additionally want to thank john for his great daily reports, it
sure helped me live vicariously.
I especially want to thank Rob Romash, John Kagan, and Tony Pavel for
taking on the task of CD'ing the NATS. The three of them gave up
their own flying time so that the rest of us could have a NATS.
When our search for a CD ended with nobody wanting the job, John and
Rob said, "fine if we have to we will do it ourselves", having no
idea what they were getting themselves into. Tony stepped in and
applied for his CD license to lend a hand, a great help.
In reading the NATS NEWS we had 95 entrants! That is a huge success,
considering that we were down to about half of that just a couple
years ago. Additionally we have a much better handle on what makes
the NATS go, something we were unsure of until this year.
Thank you Rob, John, and Tony. And thank you to everyone who showed
Received on Mon Jun 05 2006 - 05:56:03 CEST
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