> I understand that Aki's F1L records were set using 3/02. As a modern comparison, the US Nats LPP class was won this past year using recent vintage Tan SS (2/2016 I think).
LP san,
Yes, current Cat 3 and 4 F1L were set using 3/02.
I had set some Cat 3 F1L records using Oct 97 because the trials were done at very low (18.8 meters) ceiling gym. Oct 97 worked very well there because F1L needed lots of back-off turns to fly there.
On the other hand, current Cat 3 F1L was set at much higher (25.7 meters) gym and so Mar02 worked well there.
Current TanSS may work well with 1.4/0.4g F1D at HIGH ceilings because they fly like F1B.
Received on Mon May 15 2017 - 06:52:17 CEST
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