Re: Re: P-18 plans and Specs
That's seems reasonable. I also see that you substituted a raised L. E. on the left wing for the offset wing on the Double Whammy to keep wings level in the left turn.
Thanks for putting the motor stick length on the plan. That kept my printer honest when I tiled the plans and printed them. The 9 inch Stab width is another good reference. I took the plans over into Photoshop Elements to Tile them. Got 3 portrait pages across for the wing, just missing the templates. Simple enough to add another page for those..
Should be a good flyer. Has more wing area than the Double Whammy and the 2014-2015 Wright Stuff planes. I've been putting in a bit over 100 turns for an inch of loop for my Double Whammy with similar width rubber, and getting over 5 seconds per 100 turns with a similar prop to the P-18 from that. So 2 mins looks quite doable.
For covering, I rank Walmart produce bags, at 0.5 grams per 100 sq. inches, better than Esaki, at 0.83, and Glad colored holiday wrap, at 0.75.
Thanks again for the plans
Received on Sun Mar 27 2016 - 10:17:35 CEST
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