Re: New file uploaded to Indoor_Construction
This file requires a bit of explanation.
On Saturday it was cold, windy and raining most of the day. As Bill Gowen noted, the conditions inside were terrible, the worst anyone had ever seen.
The data here was captured every minute over the course of both days at West Baden.
The graph here is from Saturday's data.
What is listed as Series1-5 here are sensors at various heights in the dome.
The balloon carrying the sensors was on a table nearby where I was set up.
The sensors were placed immediately under a 3' balloon, 5' below, 10' below, 20' below and at the base around 3' off the floor. I don't have the exact height of the balloon, but it was right at the second obvious ring on the dome, roughly 50' from the edge.
What you can see from the data is that the temps at the top were roughly 4 degrees cooler than the floor the entire day. Sensor 3 I have noticed tracks about .7 degrees warmer than the rest - if compensated for here, the air from 5-20' below is remarkably homogeneous, and about half a degree warmer than at the base of the balloon itself.
What we saw happening was the center of the room was turbulent and mostly down drafts all day long. At the edges of the building, there was a small updraft. In essence, we had a torus-shaped reverse thermal going on all day long. The data supports this very well, showing how the air would cool as it rose, then fall in the center.
Mike Kirda
Received on Tue Mar 22 2016 - 13:05:12 CET
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