Official Kibbie Dome dates and details

From: Jake Palmer <>
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 19:37:53 -0700

I spoke to Andrew Tagliafico this evening, and everything is now set for
the Kibbie Dome.

The contest will be June 23-27. I don't have the exact schedule, but
expect it to be similar to past years. We should have access to the
building from around 8am until at least 8pm (I think we've had access until
9 or 10 in past years. Gliders fly in the morning, and anything else can
be flown all day after that.

As per usual, you can get a discount rate at the University Inn if you
mention you're with the model airplane group.

Entry fees are listed below. If I'm able to secure sponsorship it's
possible those numbers will change, but for now that's what we need to
hopefully break even.

Juniors - $100
Seniors - $200
Open - $300

Received on Tue Mar 15 2016 - 19:37:54 CET

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