TTOMA record trials

From: <>
Date: 04 Jan 2015 13:41:40 -0800

TTOMA had a New Years record trials yesterday in recognition of the new F1D rules and AMA recognition of F1R. I used an old hub on my F1R (that's what happens when you sell all your good hubs!) to establish the new record at 19:22 on one of the more stressful flights I've endured. The model first touched the ceiling at the very peak of St. Luke's (somewhere around 33' I think--requires an extremely tight circle of about 10' diameter) around 5 minutes in and continued to smack the rafters and water sprinklers until 14 minutes. I've got to reserve one of the hubs from the production line for myself--they're easier to use. The one I was using had about a 1/4 turn difference between landing with the prop halfway between high and low pitch and hitting low pitch so prematurely that the climb power was expended at 13 minutes.

 Nick Ray and I shot it out in F1D. I think his best time was a little over 18 minutes (yes, it was COLD in there). After repeated tweaking, I got off a 19:22 (yes, exactly the same as the F1R flight!) that only hit the ceiling a couple times between 12:00 and 13:30. I think it could be tweaked to get a tiny bit more performance, but it was pretty close to maximum efficiency. The first climb came within 6" of the ceiling, and it only lost 8' altitude before climbing away the second time. All in all a very pretty flight.

 Nick put up two very impressive ministick flights just shy of 9 minutes. I thought sure he was going to put up a 9:30 on his last flight, but it started coming down really fast a little after the 8 minute mark.

 Bill put up some nice flights in A-6. I don't know how long they were, but they looked nicer than anything I could do for sure!

 Hope put up a massive 2:15 in Phantom Flash with her newest one. Very, very impressive flying. I tried to catch her but finally gave up after various mishaps.

 Just finished all my paperwork and just have to update the F1D plan and print stuff out. I assume the plans will appear on INAV in short order.

 -Joshua Finn
Received on Sun Jan 04 2015 - 13:41:40 CET

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