Re: Indoor site to be built

From: <>
Date: 26 Nov 2014 04:08:32 -0800

I'm quietly amazed at the low level of the public's knowledge (meaning the news "sources") about what we know as RC flying. The people in the hobby are years ahead of the news sources and the news still hasn't caught up. One of the items I've noticed is the expression of paranoia about China catching up. No one seems to know that this stuff is mostly being made in China. It's us who are "behind".

 There was a fuss in the FPV world a few YEARS ago about a european flyer flying and filming from and RC vehicle in New York City, up and down the face of a high rise building and all over the place otherwise. The fuss never made it into the national news or even any local news as far as I know.

 Thinking about "autonomous" flight, that's probably still months if not years away from the public view. Freeflight? That's impossible but it won't be long before they're buzzing the mall with something like that.

 All this rant is about, really, is that the growth indoor has been looking for was just hiding behind the word "drone". Did you notice that the drone in the article Josh cited is held up by Sky Hooks? I didn't know you could still buy them . . . Maybe Jim Richmond knows where to get them.
Received on Wed Nov 26 2014 - 04:08:33 CET

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