The Newtonian camp is all about Angle of Attack.That's because it works. Airplanes can fly inverted, no?
As for single surface wings having camber, look at the Pussycat plans. Wing is covered on top, stab on the bottom. But the downthrust and wing incidence are both huge, and the stab is set at zero.
Meanwhile I made up a correct prop, having found that my Minislick plan, which says in big print "FULL SCALE", was printing 6-7% oversize. I was building a 7½ inch prop for a 7 inch wingspan model. I fixed it and the Dutch roll pretty much went away.
So it looks like we'll have another class to fly at KOI.
Thanks for everyone's help.
Angle of attack.
ÂTo throw more fuel on the fire, why does a "flat" single surface wing
lift towards the tissue side ? Like do the sticks make turbulence so
the smooth side air goes faster ?
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