F1M / Pennyplane course time allocation?

From: Tapio Linkosalo <tapio.linkosalo_at_iki.fi>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 09:05:59 +0300

Has anybody organized a building course for F1M or Pennyplane; how much
time should be allocated to get through it? Would one weekend suffice?

I was suggested that I should organize a course of building a VP prop for
F1M, and came to think that this course should be preceded by a course
where a model would be built to fit that prop into. So that would be a
starter. For people traveling longer distances it would be convenient to
have the course over one weekend (which would mean that the body tubes
probably should be wrapped in advance so that the course could start from
gluing the tubes and then proceeding with fitting them).

I was actually thinking of giving 3 options for the build: a) long-fuselage
F1M for later VP use, b) short fuselage (but with tube) F1M-limited, or c)
Moustique with a stick fuz for the beginners.

Also, any ideas how long it would take to build a VP for dummies? For
people needing guidance in the process, that is.

Received on Mon Jun 10 2013 - 23:06:01 CEST

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