Finally took a pic of latest
Limited Pennyplane that treated me well at our October contest (27 ft. ceiling ,
scrubbable.) First time I've tried vertical wing tiplets on LPP--I used to call
them Bat Ugly--but they do apparently fly well. Previous LPP would get 8:30-8:45
flights at Beatrice Auditorium without scrubbing ceiling too roughly, but TOT
gave 9+s right off the bat. As usual, attribution is difficult in indoor--don't
know if wing is better or if whole model is better. LPPs used to trick me often
until I tried putting more (more than often published) wood weight into
motorstick. Intention for TOT was to build to maximum legal dimensions for all
parts, and for the rest (sizes and weights) just use TLAR BOPS. (That looks
about right/Based on past success.) Prop shape stolen from William's Skipper but
blades inverted so the widest part of chord is toward tips rather than toward
hub. The two chordwise strips across blades are .013" thick add-ons, something I
do when a prop flares too much at too low a torque. PM me if you need anything
else measured.
Mark B
Wing .698g, OS-weight
Stab .225g
Fin .075g
Prop .791g
Motorstick blank .795g
Finished m/s, boom, fin
ballast, .130 g
Motor .083", 1.5g., 7/97 T2.
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Received on Wed Oct 31 2012 - 12:04:32 CET