I don't view Treger's hub as a threat in competition. If someone isn't
willing to invest the time to build a VP, they probably won't invest the
time required to be a competitive F1D flier.
My problem is the constant desire by some to dumb down this hobby to give
it more "mass appeal". The barrier to entry for F1D is lower now than it
ever has been. Do we really need to keep dropping the bar?
> Why do I say all this? Well it's simply this: the Treger hub is not the
> threat we believe it to be. It is optimized for Treger's flying style in
> the sites he frequents. When you take it into a Cat I site, it's totally
> out of its zone. I suspect it would be ok in a Cat IV site, but not Cat I
> or II.
Received on Thu Oct 25 2012 - 08:36:11 CEST
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