Calibrating a Torque meter question

From: N. A. Monllor <>
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2012 10:51:37 -0400

Hello guys,


Why is torque meter calibration important? How does it impact the end result
when the torque meter is used?


This is what I think happens. We wind to a certain torque with a given size
rubber for a given size plane. We fly and observe what the plane does in
flight and how many turns are left on the rubber. We make whatever
adjustments are needed to fulfill our next flight. We fly, observe and
adjust some more for optimum flight duration.


Why does the torque meter have to be calibrated if it was built to handle a
certain range of rubber sizes?

There is still going to be a range of meter deflection and ultimately that
is what we use to judge our next flights adjustments.


What am I missing??

Received on Wed Sep 05 2012 - 07:51:37 CEST

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