Hi Mike,
As I sit here in Belgrade at the WC, I am on the computer. So I guess that
answers the question.
However I think there should be a print option as well. Sometimes it is
much easier to have the book sitting on the desk in your model room, or to
share with someone else.
If I had my choice, I think I would build a website which, upon paying
through credit card or paypal, gives you instant access to a digital
download, access to plans and articles, and the option of a physical copy
mailed to you for an extra price.
BTW, Day 2 of the dorchal is hot also, not too much flying going on.
Nothing big to report yet. Cooler outside than yesterday but hotter inside.
To give you an idea, its too hot to sit still. Walking actually cools you
down b/c the air movement you create....
On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 3:46 PM, mkirda_at_sbcglobal.net
> **
> Hi Ben.
> What would be better? A physical book? An e-book? Or a website like the
> re-envisioned INAV?
> I think the younger generation would want a website. And is that now whom
> we should be targeting? Returning fliers like me can easily adapt to the
> web too.
> The only thing we would want to ensure is that the website would be tablet
> friendly. This is the future in the way information like this will be
> consumed IMO.
> Regards.
> Mike Kirda
> P.S. If such a book was written, I would both contribute and purchase...
> --- In Indoor_Construction_at_yahoogroups.com, Benjamin Saks <bensaks_at_...>
> wrote:
> >
> > I would buy an updated edition with some articles with some of the new
> > technologies, such as VPs, boron and carbon construction, steering, and
> > some of the new classes.
> >
> > Who would buy an updated edition? Who would want to contribute to it?
Received on Tue Aug 07 2012 - 06:52:53 CEST