Re: Re: Bostonians and No-Cals

From: Chuck Slusarczyk <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 20:55:29 -0400

Thanks for the clarification .Apology accepted .Case closed, Now lets discuss a P -30 challenge;-)indoorist Vs outdoorists

See ya

Chuck s
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Don DeLoach
  Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 3:33 PM
  Subject: Re: [Indoor_Construction] Re: Bostonians and No-Cals


  Chuck I'm the one who called 2-3g no-cals with 12" props "absurd"', not Bob.

  You are correct that everyone has different tastes and not everyone thinks those ultra no-cals are absurd. So I apologize for using that term.

  Don DeLoach

  Sent from my iPhone

  On Jun 12, 2012, at 1:19 PM, "Chuck Slusarczyk" <> wrote:


    We are friends .That was never a question about that. As far as saying bitch , .in this politically correct climate I chose the safe route ;-) The climate in general not in terms of these discussions. Granted I or Don were not aware of your background prior to us flying in Buffalo and Erie FAC contests.We were Indoor duration Flyers but flew all sorts of models
    Initially we flew contests in the Cleveland area and joined the Cleveland FAC group. Most of our contests were in Detroit,New York ,USIC, Niagara Falls etc until our paths crossed in Erie years ago.
    We have no malice towards FAC actually never did. As far as sarcasm and enmity towards FAC I suggest you might reread some of the recent comments made towards Indoor duration flyers on this thread... I never said ever that an FAC model was ABSURD because of it's weight or prop size they were models and I accepted it as such bias no judgment.For the record ,my 2 gram NO -Cal does not FLOP thru the air at a non scale speed. who's being sarcastic? Indoor and outdoor flying require different mind sets,models and different techniques to be successful.
    I enjoy all types of Models however I chose not to fly any FAC scale events because of the subjective nature of the bonus pointsjudging.I was going to fly FAC scale with a Nic flying Fike I built But when I took it to the judges table I was greeted with " OH NO Not another one of those!! needless to say I didn't get many bonus points.I don't like figure skating for the same reason.. I prefer speed skating or Bobsled type events where all you need do is read the watch. not try to outguess the Judge.
    I follow the results of FAC contestsand it becomes obvious that to win you need a good flying model capable of maxing on flying and an high bonus points..which are subjective.
    SOOO I choose not to fly those events I don't dislike them or those who will accept arbitrary judging I don't look down at those who can't do more than 3 min Indoors. with a NO - Cal, I like it simple .... What does the watch say?? the bigger number wins.Some people don't care SO guess what I don't care either What ever floats your boat... This was and still is a great hobby with enough categories for everyone with an intesrt in model aviation What some people call absurd someone else will call normal so quit being judgmental

    Since my Stroke 3 years ago I can't fly outdoors much since I can't chase a wayward model very far , So now I prefer to fly RC outdoor ( I 'm not very good) ;-) and Indoor Duration. So cut us Indoor guys the same slack we cut you no more no less.
    Good luck
     Didn't mean to get so long winded ;-) Chuck S

    All our initiqal----- Original Message -----
      From: Bob Clemens
      Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:33 PM
      Subject: [Indoor_Construction] Re: Bostonians and No-Cals


      Chuck asked, somewhat indignantly, “Why do people who don't fly indoor No-Cal bit*h the most about it?”

      I’m assuming you meant that question for me, since I started this whole ruckus. Gee, Chuck- here I thought we were friends! You can say “bitch” without offending anyone.

      Keep in mind neither you or Don know much about my past modeling career. Indeed, I’ve flown No-Cal many times- indoors and out- going back to the early 1970s. I don’t recall seeing you at any of those meets back then, by the way. So pardon me if I make a few comments about the rules. I hope you’ll forgive my brashness. Why is it you and Don (and some others on this forum) get so bent out of shape when someone like me questions the status quo of indoor rules? And why the obvious enmity, to say nothing of sarcasm, toward the Flying Aces Club? I believe you’re better than that.

      Bob Clemens

Received on Tue Jun 12 2012 - 17:55:11 CEST

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