--- In Indoor_Construction_at_yahoogroups.com, jwfinn@... wrote:
> Wait...so does that mean I *don't* have to pay the $20 for unofficial events if I'm already ponying up for official ones?
> I'm confused!
I know, I was too.
This fee is for the AMA to collect, even if you are just flying unofficial events.
If you are flying just AMA events, you have to pay just the $45 AMA fee (plus any additional events).
If you are flying just NFFS events, you have to pay the $20 NFFS fee plus the $10 AMA unofficial event fee.
If you are flying both AMA and NFFS events, you just pay both the $45 AMA and $20 NFFS fees (and not the third $10 AMA unofficial event fee).
It is very confusing. But the bottom line (if it makes it any more palatable) is that we need to raise a certain amount of money to cover the event.
Received on Thu Apr 26 2012 - 22:35:01 CEST
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