I think the correct formula is:
r = ((25*C)/(2*P)) + ((P*C)/200)
The second term is usually small compared to the first and the two terms are definitely not equal.
A bit of algebra gives a form that might be easier to use:
r = C(12.5/P + P/200)
--- In Indoor_Construction_at_yahoogroups.com, "Ren" <nmonllor@...> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I finally found the formula for creating an Airfoil arc radius. It is:
> r = ((25*C) / 2*P)) = ((c*p) / 200)
> Where:
> C = chord in inches
> P = percentage of arc required
> Who said I'd give up?? LOL
> Ren
Received on Tue Apr 24 2012 - 18:46:41 CEST
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