Re: Kent 2012

From: Yuan Kang Lee <>
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2012 18:19:43 -0000

Here is my incomplete reporting from Kent. I stayed nose to the grindstone most of the time but tried my best to observe the show around me. I took more videos this year than last year, and I'll post them on youtube in the next few days.

First, congratulations again on the record setters. Brett Sanborn, Bill Gowen, and Don S. You really have to dig deep to set records -- they do not come easily.

Brett, Bill, and Don: Would you give us the pleasure of hearing in your words how your record flight was made? Give us some insights on your model, prop and motor, flying strategy, and your execution.

In Junior and Senior events: Spencer Tyson set a new Junior F1D mark. Parker Tyson set a new Senior F1D mark.

Record results:

- Cabin: yes, Don S.
- F1d: yes, Brett Sanborn
- F1L: no
- EZB: no
- LPP: no
- A6: yest, Bill Gowen
- F1M: no
- SCLG: no
- UCLG: no

How did our predictions come out?

Kang: 7 out of 9
Gowen: 4 out of 7
Kagan: 5 out of 9
Romash:5 out of 9

I win. Was the bet half pound of 5/99? How about a beer in Johnson City?

Second, congratulations on the event winners on Sunday.

Leo Pilachowski won Ministick AND F1L. In Ministick, he beat two fierce competitors in Larry Loucka and Tom Sova. In F1L, I gave him a good run. His two flights were around 14:50 and 14:40. Mine were around 14:40 and 14:35. Congratulations to Leo.

The Tysons took home all three top places in F1D. Dad Dennis was first, second went to younger brother Spencer, and third was older brother Parker. Both boys are on the 2012 F1D World Champs Team, and we wish them the best.

Bill Gowen won LPP and A6. Brett Sanborn took short breaks to fly his LPP and A6 and showed us his versatility -- finishing 2nd in both.

The Kent State Field House is an amazing site. It had more floor space and looked higher than I remembered. It felt a little colder this year than last. I think the air was about the same as last year, and better in the evening than the afternoon.

I was completely exhausted after two days of flying.

For the Satuday record trial, we had about 10 fliers. For the Sunday contest, there were at least 30. For the Sunday evening record trials, we had six. The contest broke even, which was great. We will do our best to have the extra day of flying next year.



--- In, "John Kagan" <john_kagan@...> wrote:
> This is like making a March Madness bracket
> > yes > - Cabin, Don Slusarczyk 22:30
> > yes > - F1D, Sanborn 30:01 (Kagan second with 29:59)
> > yes > - F1L, Kang 16:45
> > no > - EZB
> > no > - LPP
> > yes > - A6, Gowen 7:50
> > yes > - F1M, Gowen 16:00
> > yes > - Standard CLG, Kagan 2:00 (Buxton second with 1:59)
> > yes > - Unlimited CLG, Gowen 2:05
Received on Tue Apr 17 2012 - 11:19:46 CEST

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