I've had a few emails with questions about the blocks I'm selling and I
think I need to clarify pitch versus diameter. All of the blocks I'm
selling are at least 10" long. That's large enough to make a prop 20" in
diameter. You can, however, make any size prop smaller than 20" on that
same block by simply moving the blade along the length of the block.
An example would be a 12" diameter by 24" pitch prop for pennyplane. You
would use a 24" pitch prop block and form the blades with the tip 6" from
beginning of the block.
Hopefully this clarifies why I'm making these blocks 10" long. It offers
the flexibility to make any size prop up to 20" in diameter at a given
Received on Wed Dec 21 2011 - 09:21:21 CET
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