I flew on Thursday night with my kids down in Burr Ridge, IL.
I must say that their planes flew quite well, even if heavily built.
By the end of the evening, they needed some repairs, but at 6 and 7, they are hard on them. They think they need to THROW them.
1/16" rubber wound to 1500 turns got to the top of the building easily and gave a reasonable flight each time. They are already asking if they can build another one and when they can go again. A Denny Dart Mk. V is already being planned.
And the Blatter 40 I built flew great - not a bit of trim required. I might move the rudder slightly to widen the circle a bit as it seemed to circle in about the same circle as the free throw circle.
Mike Kirda
--- In Indoor_Construction_at_yahoogroups.com, Neil Dennis <wombatt@...> wrote:
> Afternoon, Mike: glad to see someone building DD's.:-) .
Received on Sat Dec 10 2011 - 09:38:48 CET
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