Re: Balsa stripper - Opinions?

From: John Kagan <>
Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2011 03:26:54 -0000

I use both. I find that the Jones style stripper is easier for cutting non-tapered pieces, the Harlan style is better single or double tapers (spars, etc.)

--- In, "mkirda@..." <mkirda@...> wrote:
> Greetings.
> So when I look at what is recommended these days, I see it mostly come down to the following two models:
> or Harlan's at:
> Is either one inherently better than the other?
> Or is it a matter of both being equally good?
> I'm thinking of ordering the McLeod style one just for normal modeling, so either of these would be in addition.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards.
> Mike Kirda
Received on Mon Dec 05 2011 - 19:26:59 CET

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