I'm sending this to gauge interest for a Kibbie Dome contest next summer.
Based on last years attendance and building costs, the estimated entrance
fee would be ~$40 per day. The contest would likely be in August and
probably last 4 days. Any interest from people on this list? Are people
willing to preregister and prepay to guarantee we have enough interest to
cover costs?
Also, the building was recently renovated with quite a few additional
windows. This has the benefit of adding more natural light, but could
cause more drift. We won't know what the drift is like until we try it.
They've also removed the center speaker cluster which means the center bay
is clear to the tiles at ~145', and the entire length of the building is
clear to ~135' which is the bottom of the curtain rods.
Received on Mon Nov 28 2011 - 15:50:49 CET
This archive was generated by Yannick on Sat Dec 14 2019 - 19:13:46 CET