USIC news (updated)

From: John Kagan <>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 05:05:05 -0000

re-released announcement from Phil, with a few modifications:

Johnson City Indoor NATS

The Indoor NATS is scheduled for May 23-27 in Johnson City, Tennessee. This huge East Tennessee State University field house has been the home of the NATS for the past 25 years. Recently, their athletic conference mandated that banners of member schools be displayed in the Dome. The location of these ten banners prohibit the administration of our National Contest. Obviously it is too late to search for another venue. The company that installed them has given us a cost to take them down and put them back after the contest - $1,300. This would be an additional fee added to the $5,000+ currently paid. As a one-time project, I am confident that we indoor flyers (NATS Contestants, and those interested in sustaining indoor building and flying) can raise the money for this "Removal and Replacement" of the banners. Donations in any amount will make it possible. We need to do this soon. Step two would be to conduct a serious search for a possible indoor space for next year.

Please make check in any amount to AMA and send it to the AMA, c/o Yolanda, 5161 E. Memorial Drive, Muncie, IN 47302.

Money received in excess of $1,300 will be forwarded directly to the AMA for the specific purpose of offsetting the cost of renting the facility itself for the week.

Thank You
Phil Sullivan
 AMA Free Flight Manager
Received on Thu Nov 17 2011 - 21:05:09 CET

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