Re: Kent 2011 Photos

From: Mark F1diddler <>
Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 22:01:23 -0000

--- In, "izgo" <izgo@...> wrote:
> Yes. Thanks vey much Mr. Hood for sharing the pictures. Wonderfull place and models.
> Mark, The plane with two wings ( same as picture in yahoo home page) its covered with film that has wrinkled?
> If yes, is to complex to explain how?

That vintage of film is no longer available (1990s Y2K) but yes it's crinkled. The current light (.5 micron nominal, OS film or 2004 Y2K)film is much easier to crinkle without damage. I wear lightweight cotton gloves to prevent hand sweat making spots sticky. I just roll it up in a ball 2 or 3 times, starting at one end and rolling and squashing progressively to the other end. Be careful not to pop any film "bubbles" that may happen from wadding it all together.
Received on Wed May 11 2011 - 15:01:32 CEST

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