Got about a 1/2 hour of "gym time" today, kinda neat, the gym is empty
for a period and the class i work with is doing textbook stuff so I go
Using a 12" loop of the old '05 rubber at 500 turns I got decent
flights, maybe 30 to 40 seconds ( I forgot my watch). Changed to a same
size loop of '10 stuff, worked up to 700 turns and was getting about a
minute or so. Odd thing, the first "burst" is about a 60 deg climb just
up to the ceiling and a fast transition to cruise, then several circles
before it starts to come down.
Found out one thing, the DD MK-v is a good stable flier, turbulence
from heater blowers disturbs it but recovery is fast and sure - makes me
feel good.:-)
So, couldn't really see any difference between the 2 lots except for the
power burst.
Received on Tue Mar 29 2011 - 18:48:55 CEST
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