Everything I think I know about low ceiling gliders is in these 2 places:,34.0.html
Every glider I build is an experiment so take it all with a grain of salt.
The Russian cloth is available from Mike Woodhouse.
003 carbon is no longer available as far as I can determine.
--- In, Warthodson@... wrote:
> I am planning on building a cat.1 CLG & am interested in carbon fiber information. I have received some good advice on this subject in the past & am now ready to begin construction so here are some specific questions.
> I have seen .002" thick unidirectional carbon fiber sheet shown on glider plans, but cannot find a source. Where can this be obtained?
> It appears that unidirectional carbon fiber sheet is easier to use that carbon fiber tow. I cannot figure out how to separate a thin strip of fiber of consistent width from the tow. Am I missing something?
> What is carbon fiber tissue & can it be cut in narrow strips? At 0.2 Oz/Sq.Yd. it seems quite light. Would it be useful widths in glider construction?
> I have read about "Russian unidirectional carbon cloth" but am not clear on what it is & how it it is used in gliders. Also, is it available in the USA?
> Thanks,
> Gary
Received on Thu Feb 18 2010 - 17:03:55 CET