A6 poll

From: olbill61 <wdgowen_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 2010 15:11:19 -0000

I posted a note on Hipp Pockets about the poll in hopes of drawing in some more votes. Here is the text:

Don Deloach has proposed making A6 an official AMA event. There is one major difference in the rules he proposed and the current rules used at USIC and most other big events. His rules include a 15 square inch limitation on the stab area. There are also a number of people who would like to see the covering specification widened to allow plastic films. Don has agreed to consider this change based on input from interested parties.

If you would like to vote on these two proposals there is a poll going on at the Yahoo group Indoor_Construction. Here is the link to the group:


You must be a member to vote but joining is easy. Once you're a member select the "Polls" option on the group menu and click on the first poll on the list. Please vote if you are a current A6 flyer or have an interest in becoming one. If you don't want to join the group to vote you can let Don know directly or you can PM me here and I'll pass it on to Don.

Bill Gowen
Received on Sat Feb 06 2010 - 07:15:30 CET

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