Re: Re: F1D Motorstick blast shield

From: Akihiro Danjo <>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 18:37:20 +0900

Thanks everybody for many information and for a friend who sent me some
pictures offline.
I will make the shield soon because I participate my first F1D contest on

John san,
> I'm planning to write about them in the next Model Aviation column.
> However, I don't know if you get MA,

To my regret, I stopped subscribing MA 1 or 2 year(s) ago. It must become a
very good article.

> In addition to a blast shield, I'd highly recommend mounting a winding
> stooge arrangement on your model box or some other portable fixture.

This method may be difficult for me. Because I have to put my hand (arm or
elbow) on the table to balance my body when I hook rubber on the model. I
should look for a "rigid, portable and light (but heavy enough)" table for
this porpose.
Good flying, Aki
Received on Thu Sep 24 2009 - 02:37:49 CEST

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