I'm not Euopean but I can confirm that this is the same Hans Beck who
was the 1966 World Indoor Champion. He flew with us in Rome in 1968 and
I visited with him at his home in Nurembeg in the '70s and saw some of
his toy creations there. I regarded him as a fine fellow who seemed to
be having a good life. Sorry to rear he is gone but glad to hear that
his accomplishments are being recognized.
Jim Richmond
--- In Indoor_Construction_at_yahoogroups.com, "Steve Brown" <rtxc@...>
> Can any of our European friends confirm whether this is the same Hans
> Beck who won the 1966 F1d World Championships?
> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article5662529.ece
Received on Tue Feb 10 2009 - 14:21:43 CET