I think this is going in the same direction as the EZB weight limit discussion. Everyone that expressed an opinion to me wanted some different minimum weight. The divergence of ideas makes it pretty much impossible to actually change anything. Also making it more difficult is that A-6 isn't an AMA event so there isn't a clear cut route to a rules change.
My film suggestion was just an effort to remove one restriction from the current rules to make the models a little easier to build. I think this was at least part of the reason to allow film on Wright Stuff models.
If we're talking about numerous changes then what I'd REALLY like is to take off the wood size limitation and the motor stick length restriction, allow film and keep everything else as is - i.e. the Super A-6. I don't have ANY hope of this ever coming to pass except maybe as a club level experiment. I may actually propose that for our local club since they are looking for ways to boost indoor participation. Or if anyone wanted to participate we could have an informal competition at USIC.
Received on Sat Nov 22 2008 - 13:45:25 CET
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