From Gerald Young
Justin retained his junior world title!JUNIORS:1. Horak Robert, cze, 23:54, 24:48, 23:54, 23:52, 20:04, 24:28 -- 49:162. Kaplanova Gabriela, cze, 26:44, 29:37, 25:32, 29:26, 27:46, 29:45 -- 59:233. Klimes Petr, cze, 9:49, 22:57, 22:03, 21:37, 21:01, 28:52 -- 51:494. Timothy Chang, USA, 27:17, 15:38, 30:19, 00:00, 30:40, 15:09 -- 1:00:595. Justin Young, USA, 33:24, 32:50, 29:03, 32:13, 17:13, 31:02 -- 1:06:146. Hugo Marilier, fra, 25:11, 22:54, 23:04, 15:23, 23:39, 24:46 -- 49:577. Jaen Trautsolt, fra, 06:06, 22:41, 14:04, 27:29, 21:33, 23:30 -- 46:118. Jonas Deveikis, lit, 16:33, 09:46, 22:32, 24:02, 21:40, 08:44 -- 46:349. Martynas Salkauskas, lit, 23:27, 23:17, 22:26, 23:53, 12:59, 06:33 -- 47:20 10. Simas Laurikenas, lit, 13:19, 13:07, 05:24, 21:13, 00:00, 22:34 -- 43:4711. Tomasz Demidowicz, pol, 21:37, 23:50, 23:17, 23:35, 24:33, 23:26 -- 48:23 12. Krzysztof Muras, pol, 20:42, 22:54, 23:31, 25:20, 22:54, 08:48 -- 48:5113. Szymon Goralczyk, pol, 24:27, 25:20, 28:28, 29:39, 25:54, 27:33 -- 58:0714. Pasc
u Ciprian, rov, 25:14, 02:33, 26:02, 27:26, 26:31, 27:57 -- 55:2315. Seprodi Atilla, rov, 00:00, 22:08, 23:21, 21:11, 23:46, 25:37 -- 49:2316. Dedilivc Cosmin, rov, 00:00, 23:12, 23:17, 23:45, 20:43, 00:00 -- 47:0217. Lucas Marilier, fra, 21:32, 21:31, 22:06, 21:48, 22:33, 06:09 -- 44:39Gerald Young
Team USA takes Gold.
SENIORS:1. S. Midic, srb, 28:16, 18:46, 30:51, 31:00, 30:25, 30:44 -- 1:01:512. L. Radosavljevic, srb, 22:55, 25:04, 26:50, 22:23, 09:40, 26:30 -- 53:20 3. S. Milic, srb, 29:12, 11:24, 25:01, 23:59, 29:14, 04:32 -- 58:264. J. Kagen, USA, 34:27, 34:15, 35:38, 35:15, 18:04, 34:01 -- 1:10:535. D. Schaefer, USA, 01:13, 32:19, 31:44, 34:24, 32:32, 33:30 -- 1:07:546. J. Richmond, USA, 34:56, 10:17, 19:55, 14:22, 33:10, 32:42 -- 1:08:067. L. CAILLIAU, USA, 15:57, 34:06, 05:50, 29:33, 31:31, 32:20 -- 1:06:268. H. Enomoto, jpn, 26:26, 25:47, 27:10, 28:00, 25:38, 09:15 -- 55:109. Y. Nakayo, jpn, 23:11, 19:14, 23:07, 24:28, 23:15, 19:51 -- 47:4310. O. Sasaki, jpn, 21:47, 21:34, 22:11, 27:07, 08:06, 22:01 -- 44:1211. L. Schramm, ger, 36:18, 34:42, 09:36, 29:44, 33:27, 35:01 -- 1:11:19 12. U. Bundesen, ger, 27:42, 00:00, 28:49, 31:38, 29:47, 31:28 -- 1:03:06 13. A. Ree, hun, 31:05, 31:30, 08:06, 31:47, 32:49, 15:49 -- 1:04:3014. O. Dezso, hun, 33:03, 32:33, 00:00, 00:00, 32:35, 10:54 -- 1:05:3815. S. Zoltan, hun, 30:1
6, 30:23, 00:00, 00:00, 00:00, 00:00 -- 1:00:3916. K. Mikita, cze, 14:25, 25:44, 00:00, 27:38, 28:22, 31:25 -- 59:4717. K. Klara, cze, 12:34, 26:23, 27:50, 26:36, 25:21, 01:01 -- 54:2618. C. Zdenek, cze, 24:14, 27:28, 24:34, 25:07, 20:13, 27:30 -- 52:2919. J. Markiewicz, pol, 25:29, 23:30, 27:30, 00:00, 26:01, 18:57 -- 53:27 20. E. Ciapala, pol, 27:33, 30:08, 29:58, 29:19, 26:34, 30:39 -- 1:00:4721. T. Momot, pol, 24:01, 27:48, 28:44, 31:27, 00:49, 32:06 -- 1:03:2722. I. Treger, svk, 34:31, 36:23, 35:00, 32:09, 34:16, 35:25 -- 1:11:4823. K. Vinsling, svk, 14:54, 28:50, 29:31, 15:07, 27:13, 18:48 -- 58:2124. R. Bailey, gbr, 13:27, 30:57, 31:06, 32:28, 27:50, 06:11 -- 1:03:3425. M. Bens, gbr, 29:43, 31:56, 33:17, 31:18, 30:50, 31:15 -- 1:05:1326. D. Richards, gbr, 24:11, 30:30, 32:38, 33:27, 30:38, 32:12 -- 1:06:0527. R. Steponenas, lit, 10:22, 25:01, 10:54, 25:53, 00:00, 28. E. Dambrauskas, lit, 20:29, 08:09, 18:56, 24:10, 00:00, 23:32 -- 50:54 29. D. Barneris, fra, 32:30, 22:27, 33:16, 29:11, 29:16, 2
8:03 -- 1:05:4630. R. Champion, fra, 19:37, 29:16, 28:46, 30:00, 27:20, 30:07 -- 1:00:07 31. T. Marilier, fra, 25:22, 17:08, 19:36, 26:02, 27:12, 27:56 -- 55:0832. F. Manieri, ita, 30:06, 26:05, 22:22, 28:24, 28:32, 28:31 -- 58:3833. M. Gialanella, ita, 03:47, 22:18, 16:12, 15:22, 26:35, 17:50 -- 48:5334. B. Bertolani, ita, 06:28, 18:56, 18:05, 03:32, 26:30, 26:13 -- 52:1335. M. Corneliu, rov, 30:34, 32:47, 30:56, 07:35, 27:14, 28:42 -- 1:03:4336. A. Dan, rov, 24:56, 27:43, 27:06, 24:57, 10:43, 25:00 -- 54:4937. P. Aurel, rov, 31:30, 31:55, 33:05, 30:27, 31:18, 34:01 -- 1:07:0638. R. Lotz, sui, 24:14, 27:27, 26:01, 27:25, 28:07, 26:58 -- 55:34Gerald Young
To: Indoor_Construction_at_yahoogroups.comFrom: f1diddler_at_yahoo.comDate: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 23:57:17 +0000Subject: [Indoor_Construction] Re: F1D team members
--- In, "Fred or Judy Rash" <frash@...> wrote:>> Larry and All,> > Where does one look to see all the World Championship results? Was today the third and final day?As far as I can tell, a few kind USA posters have made results here on Indoor_Construction available about a day before anywhere else. But you can try the Belgrade Aerolux website: F1diddler
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Received on Thu Aug 21 2008 - 17:13:13 CEST