Our team has a torque meter it built several years ago that embodies
the Cezar Banks design. It works quite well, especially the release
We are concerend about over-torquing the element because of larger
rubber our team is winding this year.
The element is 0.015 inch music wire, about 12.5 cm long.
When they used to wind .080" - .083" width rubber, the needle would
rarely go much over one turn. Now, when winding rubber motors with
larger widths above 0.100" the needle can go over two turns. This
means the .015 inch musicer wire element is twisting more than two
full revoltions along its 12.5 cm length.
I understand that if you overstress the elment, it will lose its
memory and cease to give active measurements. Should we replace
the .015" element with a larger diameter element, e.g. 0.020" music
wire? Unfortunately, we have not calibrated the torque meter to
ounce inches, and just use relative numbers and fractions read off
the dial face to determine optimum winds.
Any help would be appreciated.
Received on Mon Oct 15 2007 - 13:58:16 CEST
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