Re: Hosler Fury

From: jeffrey.hood <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 18:33:09 -0000

I don't have my notes here, but if I remember right, I didn't use
anything over 5#... and quite a bit of 4.5# in the fuse... I think
that my fuse structure was about .065x.055, and I remember that the
wing spar mid section was .070x.055... and the wing tips were
something like .060x.055... it isn't stiff by any means, but there
are struts under that will (hopefully...) hold everything in place...
 tail parts were .055x.050 or something like that... the esaki
covering basically doubled the weight of the parts... but it isn't
any floppier than the Fike that I had last year, which came in at
around 4g, and needed a boatload of clay to get up to weight... and
it was plenty strong enough... I'm going to keep the MS -usable-
length to 18", which I think is about what Loucka had on his... and
then just have a light extension to the end of the fuse to keep
everything in line... I have a picture of Larry's from last year at
Kent, and it looks like his MS rear hook was an inch or so behind the
wing... My MS is rolled from .033 4.5# sheet, and should be strong
enough, from what I can tell so far...


> > So to get to these weights are we using real hard .040 or soft 1/16
> and how do you keep the wings flexing with such light wood? Is that
> where the weigh is?
Received on Mon Mar 19 2007 - 11:33:45 CET

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