The students are coming along nicely on the "little square", should have
the airframes done this week - and now to the props. (;-')
One asked can he legally modify an Ikara to a single blader, any
thoughts ? We'll be building "can' props for the first trials (shortage
of ikara's) and gonna learn about helical pitch and stuff.
They were flying my mark IV in the gym between classes, hurricane level
winds today, they had the vents wide open. did a bit of ceiling
skipping, almost lodged on a folded basketball backboard, did succeed to
land on top of the folded bleachers. My SO idea doesn't like the
drafts, for some reason gets blown nose up and kinda helicoptors down
with the motor stick at about a 45 deg angle and won't recover. Any
ideas why ?
Received on Tue Oct 17 2006 - 09:07:28 CEST
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